Handicap Issuance and Recording
The Western Golf Alliance currently uses myscorecard.com as our online USGA handicap system tracking service. Members have the ability to create accounts, post scores online, register for our club community, receive their official World Handicap index, and perform peer review of each other's scores and indexes. Many members also use GHIN through their local golf club.
The WGA has established and maintains a Handicap Committee that performs all prescribed functions and duties.
The WGA makes it possible for players to record the correct USGA Course Rating and USGA Slope Rating with each posted score from every set of tees (Sections 5-2 and 8-2b and c).
The WGA requires use of USGA procedures to adjust hole scores before posting (Section 4).
The WGA ensures that all acceptable scores are entered correctly (Section 5-2).
The WGA performs computations and adjustments in accordance with the USGA Handicap Formula (Sections 8-4 and 10).
The WGA makes current scoring records and a Handicap Index listing of all members readily available for inspection by others (Section 6-3).
The WGA reduces or increases the Handicap Index of any player whose handicap does not reflect the player's potential ability (Section 8-4b).
The WGA requires the posting of all scores made at home and away courses (Section 5-1).
The WGA requires that nine-hole scores be combined and posted for handicap purposes (Section 5-2c and d).
The WGA supports the principles and spirit of The Rules of Golf (Section 5-1).
The WGA follows the revision schedule and posting season of the authorized local golf association(s) having jurisdiction in the region(s) (Section 8-3a and c).
The WGA includes the letter "L" after local handicaps which exceed the USGA maximum limits of 36.4 for men and 40.4 for women (Section 3-4).
The WGA utilizes the current USGA Course Rating and Slope Rating issued by an authorized golf association (Section 14).
The WGA has had a representative participate in a USGA Handicap Seminar (whether conducted by the USGA or an authorized golf association) including passing a test exhibiting knowledge about the system.
The WGA has a signed license agreement in place with the USGA prior to issuing a USGA Handicap Index to its members.

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